
The Host

Mahima Samraik, a captivating science graduate student at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, India, is more than just a researcher – she’s a weaver of knowledge, a bridge between the complexities of science and the eager minds of listeners. With an insatiable curiosity that extends beyond the boundaries of her scientific pursuits, Mahima harbors a deep fascination with philosophy and psychology, allowing her to explore the human experience and its connection to the natural world.

Philosophy is to science what childhood is to adulthood.


Mahima’s passion extends far beyond the confines of the podcasting realm. She finds solace and expression in the art of writing, weaving words that paint vivid pictures and evoke emotions. When not lost in the world of ideas, she delights in the simple pleasures of creating culinary masterpieces, her love for experimentation spilling over into the kitchen. Yet, amidst her diverse interests, a singular thread remains constant – her unwavering commitment to self-love and personal growth.

In a world that often overlooks the importance of kindness, Mahima serves as a beacon of compassion. Her podcast is a testament to this very principle, each episode serving as a gentle reminder of the transformative power of empathy and understanding. More than just a brilliant speaker, Mahima embodies the spirit of a true educator, one who is dedicated to illuminating the path of knowledge for all who are willing to walk alongside her.

And if you find yourself captivated by her infectious enthusiasm and yearn to delve deeper, Mahima welcomes you with open arms. Feel free to reach out to her directly and embark on a captivating exploration of science, philosophy, and the beautiful tapestry of human experience.

Get in touch

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